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7/7/15 Newsletter


Happy Summer Comrades!


We really enjoyed preparing last week’s box with new varieties of veggies that initiate the summer season; the carrots definitely entertained us with their funny carrot ways.  The options are getting fun as we dive into summer and we hope you are sharing in our thrill towards seasonal eating. (Sorry, we are total veg-geeks).


As I write this newsletter it is pouring rain but we have been conditioned for anything after the weather roller coaster in June so we need not worry.   Let’s relish in the weather we experienced at the end of this week…..”Blue skies shining on me, nothing but blue skies do I see…..” We had a burst of perfect summer weather and hopefully everyone took advantage of that because it might be overcast for a few days.  Last week, after a few more scattered rain showers it finally dried out in the field, enough to get a tractor in there!  Looks like we need to hold back our excitement about tractor use though, the rain is steady outside my window.

In the field we were able to use our waterwheel transplanting implement to plug winter squash into plastic beds.  It had been a month since the last time we used that tool.  We continued to trellis tomatoes, which is now a weekly task as the tomatoes are growing up quickly. There are many little green tomatoes being spotted as well as bell peppers and some purple tomatillos.  The cucumbers (4 different varieties) exploded with production this week after much needed bursts of sunlight.  A new round of salad mix and carrots were planted and all of the garlic in the field was pulled out of the ground.  The garlic looks beautiful and they are hanging in bundles, beginning their drying process. 


In the greenhouse it is still fairly calm.  The first round of fall Brassicas look very healthy, and the second round that we seeded last week just germinated.  We will start another round of these fall varieties on Wednesday, as well as a variety of herbs for the fall season. Oh the beautiful-crazy cycle of CSA farming; with continuous planting from February when the onions are started until the end of October when the garlic goes in the ground.  I am enjoying learning about this circular motion but also realizing that this grasshopper (me) still has a lot to learn.  In addition, all of the winter squash has been moved to the field so it s a quiet scene in the greenhouse which is welcomed after the mayhem of the spring!


As for the lil’ Russians I unfortunately have to report that their interest is still at a lull.  Let us remind ourselves, they are ten and six years old so this is natural or possibly organic behavior so we cannot judge.  Joe helped mow the other day and “forgot” about one of the very important drip lines….after a quick repair though I had it rigged back to working condition (not that we need irrigation at this point).  Emily asked how it happened…..he replied, “I just have a lot on my mind right now and it made me forget about the irrigation.”  A ten year old with a lot on his mind?!  He probably does have a lot going on up “there,” he takes on the weight of the world sometimes.  Timmy made it clear that he is a “planter.”  Which means when we get the waterwheel back out in the field to transplant he will be there to help, he’s not a “weeder” or a harvester (unless its tomatoes), he’s just a planter.  We can work with that request I’m sure.


In Goatlandia we had a recent goat escape!  I think they wanted to reenact the scene in Field of Dreams when the baseball players disappear into the corn…..The goats found a gate that was left open and being opportunists, decided to accept the open offer.  They stuck together and gallivanted around the edge of the field, snatching at corn plants and probably wishing it tasted better.  Thank goodness they are herd animals, it took getting a couple of the girls back in the pasture and the rest soon followed, (Hopeless Hope was obviously the last one to go in because she’s BAAAAD).  We are continuing to experiment with cheese and whipping up a batch of yogurt to go with the raspberries that are everywhere!  We will let you know about goat cheese availability soon for those that are interested.


That’s the news on the farm front; we are excited to deliver our sixth CSA box of the season.  Summer has begun and the variety is broadening which delights us; just think about the meal discoveries that will be possible!


What to expect in the box for July 7th, 2015:






Kale (Bundles will be mixed varieties of Kale)



Garlic Scapes



Note:  I will put a freebee box out at each site with Collard Greens in it.  I know some people don’t fancy these greens so take what you need and enjoy ‘dem collards.


Extra Note* We are still interested in your zip loc bags or we encourage you to wash them just like you would a dirty dish.  Then hang it to dry and reuse!  It works!


Thank you for sending me recipe ideas, I will post them to our CSA webpage and try to get that site  more active in order to use it as tool to connect with.  We will also be sending information about an optional work day coming up this month.  Happy, satisfying meal adventures everyone.


“Grow, inspire, repeat.”


With kindness,


Edgewood Farm Organics CSA Crew




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